Quotes from the Movie The Deer Hunter

Those are sun dogs...It means a blessing on the hunter sent by the Great Wolf to his children...It's an old Indian thing.

Michael Vronsky

I just wanted to say how sorry I am about Nick. And how, I know how much you loved him and I know that it will never be the same. I just wanted to tell you that.

Michael Vronsky

Here's to Nick.

Michael Vronsky

What is there to be afraid of in this war? The war is a joke, a silly thing...I pay my players - cash - American. However, should you prefer German marks or perhaps Swiss francs, that of course can be arranged.

Julien Grinda

If you are really brave and lucky, I can make you very, very rich.

Julien Grinda

When a man says no to champagne, he says no to life.

Julien Grinda

I still do not believe this. My own boy with a strange girl and not so thin, if you understand my meaning...The next thing you know, he goes to Vietnam...I do not understand, Father. I understand nothing anymore, nothing...Can you explain? Can anyone explain?

Steven's mother

You marry this girl, you leave her with me, and you go with these bums to Vietnam.

Stevens mother

Did you hear about the happy Roman? He was "GLAD HE ATE HER"!


Did you hear about the happy Roman? He was "GLAD HE ATE HER"!


I was hoping, somehow Michael, maybe you had Nick with you...He never wrote to me, he never called me.


You're so full of shit, you're gonna float away.


The place is great...It's like a resort...I mean they got basketball, bowling...Princess Grace came to see us the other day.

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